Digital print, 2009 - 50 X 36 cm., ed. 10


Digital print, 2008 - 100 X 110 cm., ed. 3


Hunting has inspired painters in the past, and the catch adorned the aristocrats' tables amidst chiseled silverware and spotless lace. The trophies were cynically flaunted in their stuffy sitting rooms.

The scenes shows the particular moment when the hunt has been consummated, and the prey is a moment away from being ripped apart by the eager hounds. As custom prescribes.

But there is something unnatural in these images. Human beings are concealed in this de-humanized horizon. Laplante confers a subtle meaning to the image, against the cynicism of the present, against the metabolization of violence, against the muteness of individual consciences. With the gracefulness of a fairy tale and the lightness of a fantasy.

Digital prints, 100 X 200 cm., and various measures for the small dogs. 2002

Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome - Annina Nosei Gallery, New York


A series of photographs with a sense of cynical and pathetic sentimentalism and boredom. Using multiple exposures, these images in which dancers dressed in mangy clothes appear as ghosts, impelled to perform a macabre dance to while away the time, eternally repeating the steps traced on the floor in a set circuit. An internal tension is felt through the veil of their Victorian respectability, a tension that they are unable to release. Theirs is the sad destiny of eternal return, of languishing existentialism, of a somnambulant dance until the reach of dawn that never comes. 

Black and white silver prints, 120 X 110 cm. - 1999 ed.3

Exhibited at Annina Nosei Gallery, New York


The two series, depicting ghosts through the insidious subterfuge of photography, are closely linked to the art of cinematography. A parodic theatre hints at what might be take place behind mysterious intrigues.

Black and white sepia tones silver prints, 150 X 115 cm. 1997

Collection Musée national des beaux arts du Québec


Cibachrome 1996 - 152 X 127 cm, ed. 3


A series of photos with projected scenes from the film “La petite Aurore, l’enfant martyre”, a painted backdrop, doves, a child and myself. 

Cibachrome prints, 155 X 130 cm., 1998


A series of light boxes, where the light is only behind the faces. Friends were photographed in pyjamas against a wall with Normand Bates’ house in a frame.  

Digital prints in wooden light boxes with warm light, 80 X 60 X 15 cm. 1997


Cibachrome, 100 X 80 cm,, 1996 ed. 3